

Let’s aim together! To win 1st place for news/documentary on TVer

Let’s aim together! To win 1st place for news/documentary on TVer

TV Asahi’s special program “Re-Energy Revolution: Nippon’s Challenge,” which was made possible by Media is Hope, was a great success! Click here to read the event report and media coverage.


The special program on renewable energy, “Re-Energy Revolution: Nippon’s Challenge,” which was publicly viewed during the event with TV Asahi announcer Yutaka Yamaguchi, program producers and the audience, is currently being streamed for free on TVer. We have therefore launched a campaign to increase the number of views of this program and make it a second and regular series. For details, please see below.

Let’s all support this important program, increase the number of programs about climate change, and move toward solving it.
This is a very hopeful program, so please watch.


[Climate Change Reporting Support Campaign Let’s aim together! News/Documentary #1!】

[Goal] Achieve first place in TVer’s news/documentary ranking for the “Renewable Energy Special Program”.

[Purpose] Increase the number of viewers and support the movement towards a second special program and regular program.

[Campaign reinforcement week]
・Any time from 2023/10/1sun.-10/8sun.
(Especially concentrated on 10/6-8. You can even watch it twice.)

[Things we ask you must to do]
・Watch the program until the end on TVer (both PC/SP)

[What we would like you to do if possible]
・Please click “Like the program” and “Favorite account” to visualize the campaign.

[Preface] Overview of the campaign & Media is Hope’s goal to create a system to support media.

We believe everyone has different opinions about climate change reporting in Japan, given the various social situations. In such a situation, we, Media is Hope, turned the arrow to ourselves and launched a campaign to see what we can do from the standpoint of viewers and readers. We have been supporting and assisting media professionals who have been proactively reporting climate change. As a result, we were able to contribute to the decision for a special program dedicated to “renewable energy,” a major solution to climate change, on a national broadcast station. By supporting the project, we were able to make a change, whereas criticism alone could not reach.

This time, we will be supporting TV Asahi announcer Yutaka Yamaguchi, who is a pioneer in Japan in embodying the ideal of issue-based journalism and proposal-based media. We believe that the following points are made that will lead to the spread of renewable energy to solve climate change, and we are sure that everyone involved in climate change will find this program informative, hopeful and enjoyable.

1, Solution Journalism, reporting the solutions not only the issues: the multiple benefits of renewable energy.
(Contribute not only to climate change solutions, but also to economic benefits and local town development and employment)

2. Transmitting reproducible problem-solving methods learned from successful case studies. (leading to the next behavioral change)

3, The thoughts and stories of people who are working hard for the children and society of the future. (contents that you can relate to)

However, it remains to be seen if there will be more essential programs, reports, and articles on climate change. We are still not strong enough on our own. We need the support of many viewers/readers.

The more views we get, the more we can support the realization of the second special and regular program. The success of this campaign will also provide a mechanism to support other media professionals who are committed to climate change solutions.

We hope you will join us in supporting our efforts to build a society that can solve climate change.

Media is Hope