

Released Archive Videos of All Sessions from [Climate Change Media Symposium]

Released Archive Videos of All Sessions from [Climate Change Media Symposium]

We released all the archive videos from the “Climate Media Symposium” which was held in-person-only.

We held an event to discuss the way of reporting needed to solve climate change with a wide range of stakeholders such as media / experts / international organization /practitioners and citizens.

The speakers talked about the issues they were facing, the outlook, and the expectations they have for each other. It was filled with a lot of tips, suggestions, and hope.

【What type of climate change reporting will be needed when we are to build a society that can solve the global crisis caused by climate change?】
【How should the media cover this issue and what to inform the audience?】

Thorough this archive videos, we believe that media professionals / experts / international organizations / practitioners / citizens can make use of the content in their daily reporting and activities while learning about problem-solving reporting and the media’s own efforts.

We hope that you will watch the sessions that interest you and find this an opportunity that is beneficial.

Session 1
Significance of advanced media collaboration in Japan (Introduction of the “1.5°C Promise”)
・Kaoru Nemoto: Director of United Nations Information Center
・Keisuke Katori: Deputy Director, Science Mirai Department, Editorial Bureau, The Asahi Shimbun
・Momoe Ishii: Shin-Hiroshima TV, Deputy General Manager of News Department, SDGs journalist
・Seita Emori: Climate Scientist, Professor at the Institute For Future Vision Initiatives of university of Tokyo
Mayumi Shinmachi: Kodansha FRaU Business Manager/FRaU Web Editor-in-Chief

Session 2
Accomplishments and challenges in climate change reporting
・Yu Kobayashi: elementary school teacher, initiator of the “#Report the cause of the heat” petition
・Mina Oba: Writer/Editor, Jane Goodall Institute Japan/Former VOGUE JAPAN editor
・Kosuke Hatta: Mainichi Shimbun New York bureau specialist journalist
・Yukiko Imada: Associate Professor, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Event Attribution Specialist
・Mayumi Shinmachi: Kodansha FRaU Business Manager/FRaU Web Editor-in-Chief( Moderator)

Session 3
Introduction of the media’s own decarbonization efforts
・Yasunobu Kumada: Slow News Producer, J-Forum/D-JEDI Director

・Hiroko Otake: Hearst Fujingahosha Sustainability Manager
・Kenji Fuma: CEO of Neural Co., Ltd., Strategy and Financial Consultant
< Moderator>
Mayumi Shinmachi: Kodansha FRaU Business Manager/FRaU Web Editor-in-Chief

Session 4
Media’s role to solve climate change
◆Learn how to connect the problem and the solutions of Climate Change (Solution journalism)
・Mark Hertsgaard (Covering Climate Now CO-FOUNDER)
*Excerpt from the talk by Mark Hertsgaard, co-founder of Covering Climate Now

*Covering Climate Now:
Covering Climate Now is a global journalism collaboration committed to improving coverage of climate change worldwide.
The organization was co-founded by The Nation, Columbia Journalism Review, and the Guardian.
Visit :

*This video was produced with Japan Fund for Global Environment(地球環境基金)of the
Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency(独立行政法人環境再生保全機構), for fiscal 2023.

【Climate Change Media Symposium】
Date: 2024/1/31 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM Symposium (6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Social Hour)
Location: Smart News 6-25-26 2F, Jingumae Shibuya, Tokyo
Host: Media is Hope
Supporting Organization: SlowNews Co., Ltd.

▶︎Press release of this symposium

▶️About “Media is Hope AWARD2023” award winners, which was released on the day of the symposium

<Click the link below to watch videos>